V zimě jsme tomu lezení moc nedali,byli jsme párkrát v Labáku na ledíkách.Většinu času jsme strávili pracovně.
Ledíky v Labáku |
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Další bouldrový výjezd byl na Bor.Vyrazili jsme ve složení Monča ,Terka,Oja ,mamka a já.Počasí super (prý :) 20st,ale problém byl v tom ,že na Boru bylo ještě asi dvacet cenťáků sněhu.Takže byl trochu horší výběr, co člověk položil na zem,spíš na sníh tak bylo ihned mokré- včetně nás(hlavně Ondráše).Holky s Ojou si vylezli pár lehčí bouldříků a mě se podařilo přelézt Dementní skleněnou mouchu 7C,Knock Out 7C a Wrestler 7C ( sice mají stejné číslo,ale pro mě jsou jinak težké).
Bouldering in winter and spring
We didn't devote so much time to climbing during the winter. We visited Labák a few times but we had to spend most time working.
With the snow disappearing and the end of the winter season approaching, I set off to check Petráč. I warmed up at Větrná hůrka.I proceeded with the old rests, only to find out that they are still as difficult as they used to be.The next stop was Brána: I tried a few boulders in a typical way but in the end, I managed to send Vymetač pavučin 8A only. Then I went to Vyhlídková where I met Martin and Roman. After several desperate attempts to climb over something, I decided to move off and go home.
Another boulder trip was at Bor. Monča, Terka, Oja, mum and I were the members of our team. Weather was (reportedly :-) nice, 20 degrees, but the problem was that we found about 20 cm of snow remaining at Bor. So the choice was quite limited and everything you put on the ground was wet (including us and especially Ondráš).The girls together with Oja climbed a few easier boulders and I managed to do that stupid Skleněná moucha 7C, Knock Out 7C, and also Wrestler 7C. (The class is always the same but I found them rather diverse).
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