Ráno vítězí opět bouldry, jsou trochu podmínky,ale začíná se rychle oteplovat.Jíťa dává Lass Mi Sei 7B+ a super vyšší problém Schönheitsregen 7B,pro Monču dost slušný rozpažky,tak snad to pustí.My s Foxíkem jen krokujeme a upocujeme chyty.Jdeme k autu na kávu a sváču.Vyrážíme k večerou ještě zabojovat,trochu se ochladilo.Monča pádí na svůj restík a vítezí !Já zdolávám Spiders 7C+,zajímavý zved,zajímavá pata a dobrá rozpažka.Pak už nic,večeře a vínko.
Ráno nikam nespěcháme dáme si volníčko.Válíme se u auta,pak s Foxíkem prozkoumáme druhou část oblasti.Přichází zprávičky z domova,má začít pršet a ochlazovat se.Tak to půjdem ještě večer lízt.Asi v půl druhé odjíždíme do města pro vodu a do dětského parku, Foxík valí dom.Ve čtyři se vracíme a jdeme lézt.Potkáváme mistra Hönragera,který si přijel také zabouldrovat.Holky jdou do restíku Sweet dreams,ale traverzík vítězí ( to ještě nevědí ,že to vylezl Martin Č.za ty dvě hoďky co jsme tu nebyli a pražilo slunko)kámen vyhřátý ,že se zněj kouřilo.Já krokuji hranu od Davida Lamy Analdin.... 8A,ale vždy steču z oblin.
For Easter holidays, the whole family go to Zillertal. We take a rope and bouldering mats. The first day we go “roping” to the Monkey Island area. It looks good, we start with a 6C and I start Rain Man 8A. I fail the first attempt but make it at the second one. Jíťa sends Little Bitch 7C+. I try Apfelman 8A+, the girls have some attempts at Rain Man but it's a lot of stretching there. Oja had a good time bouldering. In the afternoon we move to Zillergrund to go bouldering and to check on Foxík who we meet at the first boulder. The girls are up to Sweet dreams traverse 7B+ and me to Eckkonflikt 7C. I try to remember the program and climb over in a while. We try a few more things but it's getting dark and we leave.
In the morning boulders win again, conditions quite good but it's getting warm quickly. Jíťa sends Lass Mi Sei 7B+ and Schönheitsregen 7B. Me and Foxík only plan steps and sweat on the holds. We have a coffee and a snack. In the evening we fight again, the temperature has dropped. Monča tries what's left and makes it! I manage Spiders 7C+, an interesting one. Then nothing more, just dinner and wine.
In the morning we are not in a hurry, have a rest by the car and then me and Foxík pioneer the other part of the area. Some news from home are coming, it's supposed to start raining and getting colder. At half past two we go to the town to get some water and to a children park, Foxík is off home. We are back at four and meet Mr. Hönrager who has also come to go bouldering. The girls try Sweet dreams but the traverse wins (and the don't know that Martin sent it during the two hours when we were not here and the sun was shining), the rock is very hot. I prepare steps for Analdin edge... 8A but I always fall off the dull edges.
In the morning I wake up at seven, it’s drizzling a bit, hmm, no more climbing, but it stops. I get up and go to the edge, warm up a bit and start climbing. I fall a few times. It starts drizzling again, I put things under an overhang and go to the car. The others get up slowly. It stops raining, so I go to the boulder and find out there are branches above it. I make an attempt and it's there! The sun starts shining and it's getting too hot. But the girls don't mind and they climb over two 7Bs. I plan steps for two 7C+, make a flash of an uknown 7B boulder and it starts raining again. My hands are not able to work more, so we head back home. At least we can enjoy Easter customs.
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