Třetí den ráno,není kam spěchat,máme volno.Zajedeme do Dro kouknout do soutěsky,zkontrolovat Lago a na zmrzku do Arca.
Ráno pokračujeme a zastavíme se v Kufsteinu.Jdeme se podívat do oblasti hned ve městě.Lidí jako na Panťáku,dokonce i R.Hörhager.Dáme šest-béčičko,zajímavým žlabem.Potom nalézám do cesty Kalypso 8a,klasika od Štefana Fürsta.Dole bouldřík přes lišty a prsťák,horní část je už lehká přes otevřené spárky.V druhém pokusu vypadnu už za bouldrem,když skazím kroky.Dalším pokusem přelézám,ale s nateklým předloktí vršek ztěžkl.Jíťa nalézá do sedum-céčka,ale je dost nepřehledné,křižuje ho pár lehčích,kdo se v tom má vyznat.Dá pár lehčích cest a zkusí ještě Kalypso,ale dole jsou trochu delší tahy.Čas rychle letí,tak vyrážíme směr Čechy.
Me and Jíťa have some mandatory days off (they are closing the children’s department in the hospital and she has to use her resting days off), she’s not feeling great, so what shall we do? We decide to go to Arco. We set off on Tuesday evening, the journey is tiresome, we sleep near Brenner. We arrive around eleven. We do a 6B, 6C; 7A is better, let's see what next. With Oja, we do a few 5s in the first sector and we go to the middle sector. We meet some friends there and remember old good times. Enough for today, it's another day tomorrow.
In the morning we climb in San Sir, a 6B and then something shorter, fast Xanada 8A+. On the way down I try one boulder but the hold stays in my hand. I try another program but nothing is possible, so I go somewhere else, a 8A+. Jíťa does a few easier ones. We have a dinner and I don't feel like doing anything else. I try, it's quite good but my hands hurt and start swelling but I go on and eventually I make it to the top.
No need to hurry on the third day. We go to Dro to have a look at a gorge, we check Lago and have an ice cream in Arco.
The next day we go to Massone. We do a 6C and I start Red rocks. I fall again but the following attempt I manage. We move on to a cave and Jirka with his family comes. After ten years I start Super maratona, climb until the ceiling, sit, plan steps on the boulder and finish it. A beautiful route, steps are fine but endurance is a problem. Jíťa has a nice attempt at Reines. We do a few 6As in the first sector, Jíťa adds meters. We say bye to Jirka and the girls, I climb Super maratona twice more and we head back home. We sleep near Brenner.
In the morning we continue and we stop at Kufstein, the area is right in the town. Many people there, even R. Hörhager. We do a 6B, then I start Kalypso 8A, Štefan Fürst’s classics. A boulder over crimps, the upper part is easy with open joints. At my second attempt, I fall off after the boulder after not making the steps right. I manage at the second attempt but with swollen forearm. Jíťa starts a 7C but is quite chaotic, crossed by a few easier ones. She sends a few easier routes and tries Kalypso. The time flies so we head back home.
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