V pondělí volá Tomajda: "Nechceš s námi do Rakouska? Uděláme novou cestičku, super oblast, nejlepší vápno v Rakousku." Chvilku váhám, nakonec si řeknu "tak jo" a v útery už valíme z Prahy ve složení Tomajda, Ondra, Venca a já. Cesta v pohodě a na večer už sedíme s Alexem a Quidem u pivka. Vysondujeme přístup a volná místa pro naši cestičku, přechrupneme na parkovišti a ráno vyrážíme.
Ráno se s Vencou pouštíme do třetí, dorážejí kluci a pokračují, ale velký převis nad námi nepouští. Tak nalézají do vedlejší cesty a dolézají na vrchol.
Tak zase někdy:)
On Monday Luboš has a phone call by his friend Tomajda who offers him a trip to Austria to make a new route on a limestone. After a moment of hesitation he accepts and on Tuesday the whole team (Tomajda, Luboš, Venca and Ondra) leaves Prague. The journey is fine and in the evening they go to pub to find out where they can start.
They have to rappel first before they start searching. Finally they choose the right place with an overhang. Venca goes to insert the first anchor, then goes Ondra, Luboš and Tomajda. Then Luboš and Venca go back to the car to cook something and to have rest, the others make the second pitch.
In the morning Venca and Luboš make the third pitch and the second two boys try the fourth but the overhang does not let them do so. They have to get to the neighbouring route and after that they get to the top.
The next tday the goal is clear - to climb all the pitches at once. Ondra begins and sends the frist pitch at the first attempt: RP 8a, Tom climbs the secind one, a boulder 7A in the roof - second pitch 7b+. Lubiš manages the third one - 7c+. And this is the birth of route Zelvmind RP 8a, six pitches overall. The whole team tajes several photos and then they go home.
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