V útery vyrážím sám směr Bor. Dám si své kolečko, pozkouším ty těžší, sice se zase o kousek zlepším, ale nic nepouští. Pošlu dobrou krysu z vršku Vězení a uchvátím alespoň obliny v Doktoru
Ráno pádíme do Teplic, kde máme sraz s Petrem. Zkoušíme natočit Teplickou trilogii. Dáme s Jíťou dvakrát Holoubka a jednou Perlu. Začíná svítit do hran, končíme, pro dnešek stačí.
On Saturday the weather gets worse, so Jitka and Luboš check their wall, On Sunday it looks better so they go to Ostaš. They begin with harder stuff but except for Spárka 7A+ they don't climb anything interesting. After that they divide, Jitka goes to try Troll and Luboš goes for Master of Rock 7C+. Jíťa tries hard but still she falls few times from the same step. Luboš, on the other hand falls but four times amd then sends it. According to his estimation it is 7C/C+. Monča does Rizojsak 7A, Luboš tries another project at Vesmír, about 8A+, and then they go home.
On Tuesday Luboš goes to Bor alone. He tries the older projects but with no result. After falling from Vězení he does Doktor House 7B and then he goes home.
The next day Luboš and Jíťa meet Petr in Teplice to make a video of Teplická trilogie. They climb Holoubek (twice) and Perla. And as the weather becomes hot they end for now.
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